CLEARANCE OF OLD STOCK. These old Z50 series Hyperion were extremely well built motors and very efficient, made in the same factory the purple Hacker motors were made in! They don't make them like this anymore!
Z5025 series outrunner, 245Kv, 10-12 cell capable, 50A continuous 70A peak rated by Hyperion. We have often pushed the large motors much harder than the factory specs without issue, but after testing and checking of amp draw and temperatures were performed.
NOTE: These old stock motors have the magnets removed and reglued as the original glue goes soft over time and can lead to magnets moving. The outer cases are losing their blue coating in places, again age related, but the motors run sweet when rebuilt. We test them once rebuilt, check Kv and amp draw on the Emeter2 but they are sold as-is due to the age of the stock.
- Max Efficient Current 42-60A
- Max Peak 20 Sec 78A
- Sugg. Power Range 1800W ~ 2000W (2800W 3D max peak, 10 seconds)
- Sugg. Input Voltage 10S~12S
- Io (@8.4V): (A)1.8A
- KV: (rpm/V) 190
- Ri: (ohm) 0.02
- Sugg MAX Prop Size: 18-19x10E 12s, 20x10E 10S
- Weight: 695 grams
- Motor Diameter: 59mm
- Motor Length: 71mm
- Shaft Diameter: 8mm