DINOGY 1300mah 4s1p 65c Lithium Polymer with XT60 connector
Weight: 140grams
Dimensions: T32 W35 L66
These DINOGY 65c cells have excellent ratings and the factory claims 150 cycles is easily obtained with some simple care in handling and usage. Don't discharge your packs all the way, best to leave 10-20% in them, don't store them fully charged, use the storage mode in your charger and keep them around 55-60% until you need to use them.
With the fast advances in Lipo technology even the cheap packs put out more power than many of the premium brands did 4 yrs ago, but be aware these cheap batteries are cheap for a reason, they are grade 2 cells, lower quality materials and much less QC when being tested and assembled into packs. They do not last anywhere near as long as the premium grade cells and will not tolerate abuse with continuous high C discharge rates, not as suitable for high powered sports models or EDF as a premium pack.
Balance leads: Our packs are built with the JST-XH plugs.
65c RATED PACKS: We recommend keeping your maximum static amp draw to 35c for prop driven planes and 30c for EDF planes. (As many EDF planes will increase in load during flight) Burst amps of 45c maximum should be observed for increased lifespan (Dependant on ventilation and cooling of the pack during flight).
Our batteries will operate at their rated specs no problem, but who wants to fly for 1 minute or so by drawing 60c current levels! and who wants to shorten their pack lives by hammering them the entire time!